VitalSigns Technology
VitalSigns was founded in Taiwan, 2016 , focusing on the ECG related software and hardware design service and was elected the TOP-5 smart-medical cooperation in Taiwan.
CVD is always the major death cause of the world. VitalSigns Technology is trying to provide people a better way to known our own cardiac system via ECG devices and software, service.
We focus on the small-signal measurement, we are trying to provide the best wearable ECG devices that can monitor patients’ ECG anytime and anywhere.
Now, VitalSigns has already acquired two FDA certifications in China, in this year, we will help ur customer to get two more FDA certification in US and Taiwan.
ECG diagnosis needs the cardiologists. VitalSigns Technology provides the best device and software toolkit to help doctors make the best decision. Our system help to predict and prevent from the serious cardiac diseases.
We are trying to use our best ECG equipment and software service to save human life.
Hope you can join us.